What is Dominic O’Brien’s method for memorizing 54 decks of cards?


Dominic O’Brien is a world-renowned memory champion. He has set and held multiple world records, including for memorizing the precise order of 54 decks of playing cards. So, what’s his secret? In this article, we’ll explore O’Brien’s methods for memorizing vast amounts of information so that you can start improving your own memory today!

The Memory Palace (The Method of Loci)

Dominic O’Brien is a world-famous memory champion who has developed a method for memorizing decks of cards. His method, known as the Memory Palace, is based on the principle of loci. This principle states that memories are easier to recall when they are associated with specific locations.

To use the Memory Palace method, O’Brien first imagines a familiar place, such as his home. He then visualizes himself walking through this place, and placing each card in a specific location. For example, he might imagine placing the Ace of Spades on his front door, the Two of Hearts on his bed, and so on.

O’Brien then recalls his imaginary journey through the Memory Palace, noting each card as he goes. This method allows him to easily recall the order of an entire deck of cards.

The Memory Palace is an effective way to memorize large amounts of information. It is based on a proven principle of memory, and it has been used by O’Brien to win numerous memory championships.

The Memory Palace, also known as Method of Loci, is a memory technique used to remember large amounts of information. The basic principle behind the Method of Loci is that you can better remember information if you associate it with a specific location.

To use the Method of Loci, you first need to choose a location that you know well. This could be your home, workplace, or any other place that you are familiar with. Once you have chosen a location, you need to imagine walking through that location in your mind. As you walk through the location, you need to place the items that you want to remember at specific locations. For example, if you wanted to remember a deck of cards, you might place the Ace of Spades on your front door, the Two of Spades on your coffee table, and so on.

Once you have placed all of the items that you want to remember in your chosen location, you simply need to recall the location in your mind and imagine walking through it again. This will help to jog your memory and remind you of the items that you placed at specific locations.

The Method of Loci is a powerful memory technique that can be used to remember large amounts of information.

The Dominic System

The Dominic System is a memory technique developed by Dominic O’Brien, a world-champion memory athlete. The system can be used to memorize decks of cards, lists of words, or any other information that can be organized into a sequence.

To use the system, you first need to create a mental image for each card in the deck. For example, if the first card is the Ace of Spades, you might imagine a spade being stabbed into an ace. For the second card, you might imagine two spades being stabbed into aces. Once you have created an image for each card, you can then string the images together into a sequence and memorize them as a story.

The Dominic System is an effective way to memorize large amounts of information. However, it does require some practice to get the hang of it. If you are interested in trying out this system, there are several resources available online that can help you get started.

How to Memorize a Deck of Cards

There are many different ways to memorize a deck of cards. However, the method that Dominic O’Brien uses is particularly effective.

O’Brien begins by shuffling the deck of cards and then dealing them out into piles of four. He then looks at each pile and memorizes the order of the cards. Once he has memorized the order of the cards in each pile, he puts the piles back together and shuffles them again.

O’Brien then deals out the cards into new piles, this time with six cards in each pile. Again, he looks at each pile and memorizes the order of the cards. Once he has memorized the order of all the cards, he puts the piles back together and shuffles them again.

O’Brien continues this process until he has dealt out the cards into piles of eight, ten, twelve, and so on. By the time he has dealt out the cards into piles of sixteen, he will have memorized the entire deck of cards.

This method may seem tedious, but it is actually quite effective. O’Brien has used this method to win several memory competitions, including the World Memory Championship.


Dominic O’Brien’s method for memorizing 54 decks of cards is a great way to improve your memory. It is based on the principle of loci, which is a mnemonic device that uses visualization to help you remember information. By associating each card with an object in a familiar place, you can create a mental map that will allow you to recall the order of the cards in each deck. This method takes some practice, but once you have mastered it, you will be able to impress your friends with your amazing memory skills!

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